Eighteen years ago, my family and I stumbled upon this extraordinary place in Mountain Rest. Little did we know, our lives were on the brink of a transformative journey. Our annual escapes to the Blue Mountains became a cherished tradition, providing respite from the scorching Florida summers. The campground, closed for years, captured our hearts despite its need for extensive care. Recognizing its potential, my husband Ed, our son Mike, and I decided to undertake the task of reopening and making it our home.

Over the years, the cabins have been a labor of love, a continuous work in progress. Having recently retired from a fulfilling 38-year career as a clothing sales representative, I embraced this new venture. Ed, retired from a construction career, joined in, and eventually, Mike returned to Sarasota, starting his own family before rejoining us to help run the business.

The allure of the serene mountains and the distinctive lifestyle they offer captivated us all. For us, there's no better way to reconnect, disconnect, and unwind from the daily grind of life. We eagerly anticipate welcoming you to Mountain Rest Cabins.

Warmest blessings to all,

June White